Two dozen Friends came together at Cropwell Friends Meeting today to honor Earl Evens and his retirement as Cropwell clerk. Friends don’t typically celebrate a rotation of clerks but Earl’s tenure has seen a rebirth of a meeting that had dropped down to two regular members. He has been particularly excited for the six new members who joined last year and for former regulars who have been returning. Earl’s gentle and steady guidance about the form and role and content of Friends’ worship has helped create something special on Sunday mornings.
We were especially pleased to have Friends from Haddonfield and Mt Laurel Meetings coming by for this special occasion. We introduced incoming clerk Martin Kelley and wished him well.
Cropwell loves its community and rich conversations took place over a lunch, a blend of catered food and potuck offerings.

More picture by our dear friend Linda Lotz:

Memory lane: some pictures of Earl over the last few years: