Origami Craft-making Workshop

Cropwell Friends Meeting in Marlton, N.J., held a free public craft-making workshop after worship today. Joan Morrison of Haddonfield Public Library led about a dozen members and visitors in folding paper Christmas wreaths.

Origami crafts are great opportunities for multigenerational fellowship and there was a wide age range of participants gathered in the fellowship section of the meetinghouse. Many laughs were had as papers were folded and refolded. Each section took 12 folds and it took 12 sections to make a full wreath. A full spread of potluck items including chicken, salads, pies, cornbread, and cookies made for a fun lunch afterwards.

Google Events listing

The publicity for the website went out over the standard channels—email, website, Facebook, and Instagram. In addition, members of the nearby homeowners association were invited and the meeting also posted it to Google Events. A listing was placed on the yearly meeting and South Jersey Quakers websites.

Much of the publicity packaged this event together with an upcoming caroling performance and singalong, together dubbed “Christmas at Cropwell.”

Promotional flyer for event.